astrology update for april 2024

Astrology update for April 2024

Astrology update for April 2024

Mercury retrograde in Aries Apr 2
Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces Apr 3
Sun conjunct Rahu in Pisces Apr 5
New moon & solar eclipse in Pisces Apr 8
Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius Apr 10
Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Pisces Apr 12
Sun in Aries Apr 13
Venus conjunct Rahu in Pisces Apr 17
Venus conjunct retrograde Mercury in Pisces Apr 19
Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Aries Apr 21
Mars in Pisces Apr 23
Full moon in Libra Apr 24
Venus in Aries Apr 24
Mercury turns direct conjunct Rahu in Pisces Apr 25

For the past two months we’ve had a time of forward momentum and perhaps a feeling of new energy entering our lives, which on the flip side might also have made us feel less grounded than usual or prone to give in to distractions, while all the planets have been in their forward movement since January. This will end on April second, as Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Aries. Now begins a time of reconnecting inwards again, checking to make sure we are on the right path, taking the right actions and that our ‘why’ is clear.

Mercury retrograde in Aries Apr 2

Mercury is the planet to break the forward momentum when it stations retrograde in Aries on April 2nd. Mercury’s retrograde cycle will begin in Aries, but will move backwards into Pisces by April 9th, calling us to revisit our inner reality and the dream that we hold for the future. This is a time to ask yourself what you wish to create more of in your life and what truly feels important to your deeper, inner self, and how you can interpret that into a plan of action going forward. This is also a good time to reflect on our thinking and the inner dialogue that we keep with ourselves. Is it positive and supporting, or self-diminishing and negative?

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces Apr 3

Venus will join Neptune in an exact conjunction in Pisces on April 3rd, calling forth the romantic, dreamy nature. Venus and Neptune are the two planets of love, and together can create beautiful and soulful connections. The problematic aspect of these two together is that Neptune especially, can create a tendency to get stuck in an idealized version of love, or those kinds of high expectations of what love is ‘supposed’ to be. With these two forces of love together, it’s important to not get too swept away in romantic dreams, but to stay connected with our hearts and manage our expectations.

New moon & solar eclipse in Pisces Apr 8

The main event of this spring’s eclipse season is the solar eclipse that will happen on April 8th, when the new moon will align itself right between the sun and earth, creating a total solar eclipse, blocking the sun from view in the sky. This eclipse will be seen in many parts throughout the world and can create pivotal points of transformation for the foreseeable future. I will go deeper into this in a separate post, so keep your eyes out for that!

Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius Apr 10

Fiery Mars will meet up with cold Saturn in an exact conjunction on April 10th, calling forth our drive, ambition and sense of righteousness and fighting spirit. These two planets together feels like the mixing of fire and ice, and can bring up deep or difficult emotions, or surface deeply rooted fears that we’ve been carrying. Both of these planets are the main ones concerned with our safety and our survival, so this can also deal with making sure that our practical life and material circumstances are in order. If we’ve been pushing past our limits, this conjunction can serve as a reminder to take care of our needs and physical wellbeing.

Sun in Aries Apr 13

The sun will move into Aries on April 13th, commencing a new cycle after completing yet another cycle throughout the twelve signs of the zodiac, giving rise to thoughts of new beginnings, new motivation and asserting our individuality. When sun moves from sensitive and dreamy Pisces to fiery and pioneering Aries, the energy turns outward again and can create a longing for starting new projects or get going with our goals, with new motivation and inspiration.

Now is a time to shake off any apathy or hesitancy and lean into the productive, enthusiastic energy of Aries season. This is a good time for setting new goals, new intentions and taking the next steps toward manifesting our vision. The Aries energy can help us courageously charge forward, no matter if we should encounter obstacles in our way.

Venus conjunct Rahu in Pisces Apr 17

Venus will move into an exact conjunction with Rahu, the north node, on April 17th. This conjunction puts the focus on the evolution of our personal values, relationships, and what we find beautiful or valuable in life. The North Node represents our karmic path and what we are striving to learn and integrate in order to grow on our soul journey. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, when conjunct Rahu, highlights a period where the universe is guiding us to evolve through themes related to Venus, such as tactfulness, reciprocity and our ability to compromise.

This conjunction can call forth a time when relationships take on a karmic quality, bringing people into our lives who help us grow in the areas governed by Venus. This could mean learning to love more freely, finding beauty in our everyday life, or learning the value of giving and receiving affection. It’s a time when the universe nudges us towards understanding what truly matters to us on a deep, soulful level, encouraging us to align our lives with these aspects.

The shadow side to this conjunction is the fact that Rahu also has a way of creating mental hangups or illusions of any kind, which could infuse our minds with expectations of grandeur or exaggerated ideals that we’ll inevitably fail to satisfy. Remember to check these kinds thought and focus on being present with the emotions that you feel in any given moment.

Mars in Pisces Apr 23

Mars, planet of action and courage, will enter watery and dreamy Pisces on April 23rd, firing up our creative side and the desire to practice our spirituality and calling for the deeper aspects of life. Mars, the planet of discipline in dual Pisces can make us lose focus somewhat while transiting this sign, and can make us prone to restlessness or getting caught up by meaningless distractions or feeling a loss of direction.

On the flip side, Mars in Pisces can encourage us to move closer to our dreams and our creativity, as Mars becomes a bit softened by the Piscean sensitivity, so those of you who are creatively bent might find this transit particularly rewarding. Remember to focus on a balance between dreaming and doing to make the most of this Mars transit!

Venus in Aries Apr 24

On April 24th, Venus, planet of love and devotion moves into fiery and individualistic Aries, bringing a new sense of self-expression and creativity. Venus is the planet that looks for beauty in everything, that lets us appreciate and find joy in even the little things in life. Venus can also cause us to be over-indulgent and too caught up in seeking short-term stimulation, a quality which can be amplified while in impulsive Aries.

This is a transit that can really ignite our passion and joy for creating something new, as Aries is a sign that abounds in new ideas and that finds the joy in taking on new challenges. This transit can also bring a new sense of passion and urgency into our relationships. Something to keep in mind during this transit is doing everything in moderation, as Venus here can easily be over-stimulated, and keeping our impulsivity in check. Use this time to activate your creative spark and have fun exploring new outlets for your creative potential!

To end this month’s update I will say, this is a month of balancing feeling inspired and creative with finding the right motivation to help keep us disciplined and focused on our goals. It might be tempting to lean into the pull of the dreamy Piscean energy that will be influencing many of the planets this month, but try to refrain from falling into the trap of escapism and use the energy to strengthen your intuition and channel your creativity to help you forward in your projects instead.

With the upcoming solar eclipse in Pisces this month as well, this is a month to pay extra attention to our dreams, intuition and our deeper emotional landscape, as there can be great shifts in our consciousness and feelings during this month. It can be a time of releasing old, emotional blockages, behaviors or patterns that begin to surface in order for us to heal on an internal plane. It can also be a great month for connecting more to our spirituality and our own sensitivity and intuition.

I wish you a magical month of April and many blessings!

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Want to revisit March’s astrology? Click here

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