astrology update for april 2024
Astrology update for April 2024 Astrology update for April 2024 Mercury retrograde in Aries Apr 2Venus […]
new moon in purva bhadrapada march 24
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada, within the sign of Aquarius. This nakshatra is the first of the ‘scorching pair’ that spans from Aquarius into Pisces, transforming visionary air into intuitive water.
Planetary transits for March 2024 Planetary transits for March 2024 All planets lined up within 4 […]
January begins with renewed energy as Jupiter stations direct on December 31st, ushering in the potential of new possibilities and renewed optimism right as the month begins. Now’s a time to look to the future and the goals we wish to make reality as we move into 2024.
new moon in jyeshta december 13th 2023
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Jyeshta, ‘the elder star’, the last nakshatra within the sign of Scorpio. This is the nakshatra where the final reckoning with the deep waters of our inner truth takes place.
planetary transits for december 2023
November came with one of the most important shifts of the fall and a turning point for the entire collective, when Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes of fate and karma, changed signs. This month can provide a chance to integrate and correct course, as well as a time to look ahead and plan for the future, with a new sense of hope and inspiration, as Jupiter is set to station direct later in the month. But before then, we will have a chance for reflection and re-evaluation when Mercury enters its last retrograde cycle for the year.
rahu ketu chenges signs november 2023
A new focus for the next 1,5 years! Find out what Rahu & Ketu changing signs means for all of the 12 signs!
planetary transits for november 2023
Planetary transits for November 2023 Planetary transits for November 2023 ❧ Venus in Virgo Nov 3❧ […]
full moon & lunar eclipse in aries october 2023
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Ashwini October 28th 2023 Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in […]
new moon solar eclipse in virgo october 2023
New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Chitra October 2023 New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Chitra […]
Food for thought…
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual.”― Carl Sagan
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