new moon in jyeshta december 13th 2023
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Jyeshta, ‘the elder star’, the last nakshatra within the sign of Scorpio. This is the nakshatra where the final reckoning with the deep waters of our inner truth takes place.
planetary transits for november 2023
Planetary transits for November 2023 Planetary transits for November 2023 ❧ Venus in Virgo Nov 3❧ […]
planetary transits for october 2023
Planetary transits for October 2023 Planetary transits for October Mars combust Oct 1-30Mercury in Virgo Oct […]
Food for thought…
"Your Higher Self is constantly nudging you toward resolving the conflicts in your life to create room for harmony and serenity."— Wayne Dyer
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