planetary transits for november 2023
Planetary transits for November 2023 Planetary transits for November 2023 ❧ Venus in Virgo Nov 3❧ […]
new moon in mrigashira june 2023
New Moon in Mrigashira June 2023 New Moon in MrigashiraSunday June 18th, 06:36 CET, 2° Gemini […]
full moon in jyeshta june 2023
Full Moon in Jyeshta Full Moon in Jyeshtha, ScorpioSunday June 4th, 05:41 CET, 19° Scorpio ♏︎ […]
New Moon in Shatabisha February 2023
New Moon in Shatabisha February 20th Monday February 20th, 08:05 CET, 7° Aquarius ♒︎ «New Moon […]
New Moon in Uttara Ashadha January 21
New Moon in Uttara Ashadha January 21st 'New Moon of stepping into our power and rising to the occasion'
Planetary transits for January 2023
Planetary transits for January 2023 ❧ Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius Jan 1 – 18❧ Full Moon […]
Full Moon in Revati 22° Pisces ♓︎
Full Moon in Revati 22° Pisces ♓︎ Sunday Oct 9, 22:55 CET, 22° Pisces This Full […]
Planetary transits for October 2022 Planetary transits for October ❧ Venus combust the Sun Oct 1 […]
New Moon in Pushya nakshatra in Cancer
New Moon in Pushya nakshatra, 11° Cancer ♋︎ Thursday July 28 20:00 CET Pushya ‘the star […]
Planetary transits for July 2022
Planetary transits for July 2022 ❧ Six planets in their own signs July 2❧ Saturn retrograde […]
Food for thought…
"Spiritual awakening is not about changing who you are but letting go of who you are not."— Deepak Chopra
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