New Moon in Uttara Ashadha January 21

New Moon in Uttara Ashadha January 21st

Saturday January 21st, 21:53 CET, 7° Capricorn ♑︎

New Moon of looking to the future and stepping into our power.

Uttara Ashadha ‘the universal star’

This New Moon will be in the nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha, ‘the latter invincible one’, in Capricorn.
Called ‘the universal star’, this nakshatra is ruled by the Sun and inhabited by the ten sons of Dharma, called the Vishvadevas or ‘universal gods’. They each represent a universal quality; time, goodness, truth, skill, willpower, desire, ancestors, firmness, abundance and joy, giving this nakshatra a righteous, devotional and spiritual nature.

The symbol for this asterism is an elephant’s tusk, which symbolizes good fortune and triumph over difficulties and that also brings to mind the deity of Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Much like its name implies, this nakshatra relates to victories we may encounter, after putting in our dedicated efforts, and this nakshatra is beneficial for spiritual pursuits and starting projects with a practical approach.

The Sun being the ruler of this nakshatra, within Saturn’s sign of Capricorn, creates a Sun-Saturn energy to this nakshatra, creating a firm, dedicated and righteous energy to this New Moon. This nakshatra supports becoming more aligned with our dharma, the determination necessary to keep working for our goals and finding the true north on our inner compass, keeping us true to our values and morality.

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This nakshatra can be quite idealistic, but also curious, eager to learn and ready to dive deep into the mystical teachings that provide meaning to our existence. With Mercury set to turn direct just a few days before this New Moon, this is a great time for getting back to center and looking over which aspects of your life you’d like to put more effort into and seeing them grow, as the energy starts to move forward into the next cycle.

By the time of this New Moon, Saturn will have just changed signs into Aquarius as well, highlighting the usual feel of a New Moon as a starting point, but on a much bigger scale as well. Now’s the time to look forward with new spirit and ambition, to bring your ideas and inspired vision into reality.

I also found it interesting from a numerological perspective, that this New Moon brings so many connections to the master number 11/2. First off, the Sun and Moon will meet at 7 degrees, 22 minutes of Capricorn, which equates to two times 11. The date of the New Moon (2023-01-21) also makes 11, and the time of the New Moon occurs at 21:53, which also adds up to the number 11! This to me, feels like a call from the universe to step into our power and create the life we dream about creating, and I thought this was a noteworthy aspect of this New Moon as well.

“Master Number 11 is usually called ‘the Illuminator’, ‘the Messenger’ or ‘the Teacher’ and relates to those who are here to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness.”
Excerpt from Sacred Scribes

Some questions to reflect upon this New Moon:

❧ What do I wish to create more of in my life?
❧ Are my goals set right? Do they motivate and inspire me?
❧ Are my actions aligned with my core values?
❧ Do I have a sense of purpose, do my efforts feel meaningful?

Follow your inner compass, it will show you your true direction 🧭

New Moon blessings!

Check out my astrological update for January on YouTube here!
For my Swedish readers 🇸🇪 you can also check out my Swedish update here.

If you’d like even more of my astrological updates, you can follow me on Instagram.

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Food for thought…
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”― C.G. Jung
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