full moon in swati april 24 2024
The moon will reach peak fullness in the sign of Libra, in a nakshatra by the name of Swati, ‘the sword’, providing a forceful and magnetic energy to this full moon!
new moon solar eclipse in pisces april 8 2024

New moon and solar eclipse in Revati 
New moon and solar eclipse in RevatiMonday April 8th, […]
full moon eclipse in hasta march 24
Full Moon Eclipse in Hasta March 2024 Monday March 25, 08:00 CET, 10° Virgo ♍︎ This […]
new moon in purva bhadrapada march 24
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada, within the sign of Aquarius. This nakshatra is the first of the ‘scorching pair’ that spans from Aquarius into Pisces, transforming visionary air into intuitive water.
full moon in magha february 24 2024
Full Moon in Magha Full Moon in MaghaSaturday February 24th, 13:31 CET, 11° Leo ♌︎ «Directly […]
new moon in purva ashada january 2024
This new moon will be in Purva Ashadha, in fiery and visionary Sagittarius, bringing in the new year with cycle of new hope and inspiration. Called ‘the invincible star’ or ‘the undefeated’, this nakshatra deals with our innate desire for purpose and meaning, and for keeping a clear goal in mind to keep us motivated on our journey.
new moon in jyeshta december 13th 2023
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Jyeshta, ‘the elder star’, the last nakshatra within the sign of Scorpio. This is the nakshatra where the final reckoning with the deep waters of our inner truth takes place.
new moon in vishaka november 13th 2023
New moon in Vishakha November 13th 2023 New moon in Vishakha Monday, November 13th, 10:26 CET, […]
full moon & lunar eclipse in aries october 2023
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Ashwini October 28th 2023 Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in […]
new moon solar eclipse in virgo october 2023
New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Chitra October 2023 New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Chitra […]
Food for thought…
"Spiritual awakening is not about changing who you are but letting go of who you are not."— Deepak Chopra
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