new moon in purva ashada january 2024

New Moon in Purva Ashada January 2024

New Moon in Purva Ashada
Thursday January 11th, 12:56 CET, 26° Sagittarius

This new moon will be in Purva Ashadha, in fiery and visionary Sagittarius, bringing in the new year with cycle of new hope and inspiration. Called ‘the invincible star’ or ‘the undefeated’, this nakshatra deals with our innate desire for purpose and meaning, and for keeping a clear goal in mind to keep us motivated on our journey.

The symbol for Purva Ashadha is a winnowing basket, showing the continuous refinement of our truth, our goals and our vision that takes place within this nakshatra. Here, we are given a chance for letting go of the things that are not supporting our forward journey and readjusting our course. Purva Ashadha means ‘the undefeated’ or ‘the former invincible one’, and much like the name implies, there is an unrelenting need of purpose and vision that can be seen with this nakshatra, that calls us to take aim, seeking a higher meaning in life to propel us further.

The deity that is linked to this nakshatra is Apas, the divine manifestation of water, which provides a connection between our faith and our emotions, and that also shows the need for grounding our beliefs in our deeper truths. This moon cycle provides us with a time for revisiting our beliefs, and for letting go of those beliefs that no longer feel aligned. Am I operating out of limiting beliefs, that stand in the way of my highest growth? How can I release those limiting beliefs? Are my beliefs firmly rooted in my core values? If not, is this an indication that am I in the process of re-adjusting my vision, goals or aims in life?

Purva Ashadha is ruled by Venus, and as the Moon is within Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius, there’s a combined influence of Venus and Jupiter’s energy that operates here. Venus creates a longing for physical experiences and the good that life has to offer, while Jupiter calls us to align our life with our faith and keep practicing what we believe. With the highest expression of these influences, practicing our beliefs would stem from a place of devotion, rather than obligation or determination.

Questions for reflection:

❧ I will take note of observing my thoughts during a day. What limiting beliefs do I have that it’s time to let go of?

❧ Am I engaging in negative self-talk? If so, how can I help myself re-adjust the way I speak (or think) about myself?

❧ What provides me with the strongest sense of meaning and purpose at this time in my life? What would I like to bring more of into my life? What are some things that I could benefit by leaving behind?

❧ Are my actions aligned with my vision for the future? Do my efforts take me closer to my goals? Or am I waisting time doing things that won’t matter a day, a week or a month from now?

❧ What makes me feel truly inspired? What ignites my inner curiosity? What can I do to prioritize making more room for these things in my life?

Happy New Moon & many blessings for 2024!

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Food for thought…
“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.”― Elizabeth Gilbert
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