full moon in swati april 24 2024
The moon will reach peak fullness in the sign of Libra, in a nakshatra by the name of Swati, ‘the sword’, providing a forceful and magnetic energy to this full moon!
new moon solar eclipse in pisces april 8 2024

New moon and solar eclipse in Revati 
New moon and solar eclipse in RevatiMonday April 8th, […]
astrology update for april 2024
Astrology update for April 2024 Astrology update for April 2024 Mercury retrograde in Aries Apr 2Venus […]
new moon in purva bhadrapada march 24
This new moon will be in the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada, within the sign of Aquarius. This nakshatra is the first of the ‘scorching pair’ that spans from Aquarius into Pisces, transforming visionary air into intuitive water.
Planetary transits for March 2024 Planetary transits for March 2024 All planets lined up within 4 […]
full moon in magha february 24 2024
Full Moon in Magha Full Moon in MaghaSaturday February 24th, 13:31 CET, 11° Leo ♌︎ «Directly […]
By the time February begins, all the planets will now have turned direct, a cycle that will last all the way until the beginning of April. This is a time when things begin to gain momentum and we get a sense of moving forward with our lives, when we move forward with our projects with wind in our sails.
full moon in pushya january 2024
This Full Moon will be in the nakshatra Pushya, ‘nourishment’, in the sign of Cancer. Called ‘the star of nourishment’ this is a nakshatra that cultivates spiritual energy and promotes inward seeking.
January begins with renewed energy as Jupiter stations direct on December 31st, ushering in the potential of new possibilities and renewed optimism right as the month begins. Now’s a time to look to the future and the goals we wish to make reality as we move into 2024.
full moon in ardra december 2023
This full moon will be in the nakshatra Ardra, ‘the moist one’ and symbolized by a teardrop, that fully resides within airy Gemini. Called, ‘the star of oppression’, or ‘the star of sorrow’, Ardra is a nakshatra where we come to face our own potential for destruction and malice.
Food for thought…
“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.”― Elizabeth Gilbert
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