Full Moon in Revati 22° Pisces ♓︎
Sunday Oct 9, 22:55 CET, 22° Pisces
This Full Moon in Revati, the last nakshatra of the zodiac, represents the end of a cycle and releasing attachments.
Revati ‘the star of wealth’
Revati, the rich, is called ‘the star of wealth’ and is a gentle nakshatra, said to grant material gains and spiritual attainments. There is a deeply rooted longing for connectivity with this nakshatra, providing a caring and empathic nature. Yet there is also a somber quality to be found here, that comes with the realization that eventually we all need to let our attachments go, before the soul’s journey is complete.
The ruling planet is Mercury, which together with Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, provides a wealth of wisdom and inspiration. The deity of this nakshatra is Pushan, who casts light on the soul’s path and helps us retrieve lost things. The fact that Pushan, also called the nurturer, resides here, really makes this a nakshatra that provides spiritual nourishment. Revati’s symbol is a fish, which represents abundance and a longing to connect to the universal oneness, like a tiny drop of water merging back into the sea.

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This Full Moon will receive the special aspect of retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, highlighting this nakshatra’s goal to let go of our material attachments, and calls us to review how we show up, every day, to honor our commitments, both practical and spiritual. It will also be aspected by exalted Mercury and debilitated Venus, both currently transiting through Virgo, putting even more emphasis on our daily routines and practices and whether we need to change our priorities.
This Full Moon in Revati aspected by Saturn provides an excellent time to find some solitude and do some soul-searching, to go within and see what it is that makes our soul feel nourished and connected, or on the other end, what it’s time to release. Sometimes it’s that which is hardest to let go of, that will ultimately bring us the most peace when we finally release it ∞
Perhaps take some time to look back to the last New Moon cycle in Pisces, which happened in the beginning of April, and consider the time that has passed since then. What has come to pass in our lives during this chapter, what lessons did we learn? Did we initiate something worthwhile, or are we in the process of revising our commitments and letting something go?
Every Full Moon represents an end of a cycle, but this Full Moon feels especially like a culmination point, with so many planets starting to move ‘forward’ again this month, which can lead to a feeling of beginning anew, and seeing as this will also be the last Full Moon before the eclipse cycle starts.
Some questions for reflection this Full Moon update:
❧ Are there any aspects in my life in need of extra attention?
❧ How am I showing up every day for my spiritual wellbeing? Or my emotional wellbeing?
❧ Do I need to readjust my daily routines?
❧ Am I nurturing any attachments that I need to let go of?
Oneness, or unity, is always found within, never disrupted by outside forces, forever residing in the silence behind our heartbeat. @starlightinspiration
Happy Full Moon! 🌕
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