New Moon in Pushya nakshatra in Cancer

New Moon in Pushya nakshatra, 11° Cancer ♋︎

Thursday July 28 20:00 CET

Pushya ‘the star of nourishment’

This New Moon will be in the nakshatra Pushya, nourishment, in the sign of Cancer. Called ‘the star of nourishment’ this is a nakshatra that cultivates spiritual energy and promotes inward seeking.

Pushya is symbolized by a circle, a flower or a cow’s udder, representing the nourishing, auspicious side of this nakshatra. It’s often referred to as one of the most benevolent nakshatras, even though the challenge with Pushya can be trying in that in order to excel to our highest spiritual potential, we continuously go through an internal purification process. Much like a diamond is created under enormous pressure, Pushya can aid and cultivate spiritual mastery.

The ruler of this nakshatra is Saturn, showing how discipline and determination benefits any project initiated under this asterism. The deity that resides here is Brihaspati, teacher of the gods, a representation of Jupiter, favouring devotional practices and spiritual teachings. This New Moon is opportune for any sort of meditational or ritual practices.

In tune with this quality of refinement, Saturn being in its retrograde cycle, currently in the sign of Capricorn, this is also an opportune time to really consider the spiritual aspects or our daily routines, our work, ideals and our sense of authority – do we give it away or are we operating with autonomy? Capricorn is also a sign that deals with our sense of accomplishment and recognition, so this New Moon can lead us to reflect on how we strive for those things while maintaining integrity and following our own vision.

New Moon in Pushya nakshatra in Cancer

The sign of Cancer is really a deeply spiritual sign, in that it is a sattvic, Brahmin (priestly) sign that represents the original fourth house, the house of our emotions. In a sense, this is actually more the sign of our level of inner peace, and thus the state of the water within us, seeing as water is the element that carries our emotions. When the water is calm and clear, we see things with a piercing clarity, all the way to the bottom.

Pushya is the nakshatra where Jupiter is exalted, and seeing as this New Moon will receive Jupiter’s special aspect, this provides an extra auspicious energy for spiritual seeking, pursuits of higher knowledge or new projects initiated this New Moon. The symbol of the flower represents inner potentials ready to bloom, and intuitive wisdom can make itself known this New Moon.

Some questions for reflection this New Moon:

❧ Am I following my higher calling?
❧ Am I happy with my spiritual practices, or do I need to re-ignite my spiritual fire?
❧ Am I nourishing the ‘right’ things in life, the things that I wish to create more of?

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 🪷

New Moon blessings!

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