planetary transits for december 2023

Planetary transits for December 2023

Neptune direct in Pisces Dec 6
New Moon in Scorpio Dec 12
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius Dec 12
Sun in Sagittarius Dec 16
Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius Dec 22
Venus in Scorpio Dec 24
Full Moon in Gemini Dec 26
Mars in Sagittarius Dec 27
Mercury retrogrades into Scorpio Dec 28
Jupiter stations direct in Aries Dec 30

November came with one of the most important shifts of the fall and a turning point for the entire collective, when Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes of fate and karma, changed signs. This month can provide a chance to integrate and correct course, as well as a time to look ahead and plan for the future, with a new sense of hope and inspiration, as Jupiter is set to station direct later in the month. But before then, we will have a chance for reflection and re-evaluation when Mercury enters its last retrograde cycle for the year.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius December 12th

Mercury will station retrograde on December 12th, entering its last retrograde cycle of the year in Sagittarius, continuing backwards and eventually turning direct in the sign of Scorpio on January 1st. Mercury retrograding in visionary Sagittarius calls us to take pause and re-align our vision and the goals that we are currently working towards. What feels most important to us at this time? Where do we find the strongest sense of meaning in our lives? Do our beliefs feel anchored in our core values and our emotions? These are the type of questions we might ask ourselves during Mercury’s upcoming retrograde cycle.

Because Mercury’s retrograde cycle will continue into Scorpio, we might also get more in touch with how our beliefs, our vision or our teachings feel to us, deep down, and if we are pursuing things that don’t feel aligned with our inner truth, this is the time to correct course.

Sun in Sagittarius December 16th

The sun will move into Sagittarius on December 16th, bringing the beginning of ‘Sagittarius season’, when our great illuminator and main force of dharma shines its light on our beliefs and the mission we seek to accomplish. Sun in Sagittarius naturally highlights our sense of meaning and the vision that we hold for our future. This is also a time to make sure that our beliefs and life philosophy are properly aligned, and to ensure that they are firmly rooted in our inner truths.

Sun and Mercury will gradually move closer and closer, to subsequently form an exact conjunction on December 22nd. Sun forming a conjunction with retrograde Mercury will also serve as a call for us to revisit our sense of purpose and what makes us feel truly inspired. What is the highest, most meaningful aim we wish to strive for?

Venus in Scorpio December 24th

Venus will continue its journey from its own sign of Libra and into Scorpio on December 24th, calling forth our deeper sensitivities or insecurities within our relationships, especially when it comes to our romantic relationships. Venus, the planet of love and romance, in the deep waters of Scorpio can deliver an increased level of passion within our relationships, but on the flip side it could just as well bring out hidden desires or issues with jealousy, so keep that in mind and refrain from diving into unnecessary drama.

Mars in Sagittarius Dec 27th

On December 27th, Mars, planet of action and courage, moves into visionary Sagittarius, firing up our beliefs and calling us to charge ahead with our goals. This is a time when we get more passionate about sharing our ideas, but also when we get the courage to jump off the proverbial cliff when it comes to living our dharma, our dream, as Mars here can make us follow our truth.

Because Mars is the soldier who fights for our truth and morals, this can also make us fall into self-righteousness or where we become overly insistent on imposing our views or beliefs on others, so keep a level head and avoid getting into pointless debates simply out of stubbornness. The key is focusing Mars’ energy inward and towards our own development, and not to get too fired up about things that are out of our control.

Jupiter stations direct in Aries Dec 30th

December will end with Jupiter stationing direct after almost four months of being retrograde in the sign of Aries. Jupiter retrograde in Aries has been a time of re-aligning our individual goals and re-visiting our sense of (personal) purpose; what we wish to accomplish on the path that we are on.

Now that Jupiter is set to move forward again, we will enter a time of ganging new momentum and potentially some new inspiration as we go into the new year. This is a great time to get clear on your goals and what you wish to manifest moving forward. What makes you unique? What is your greatest gift to contribute to the world? Where do your sense of inspiration and purpose stem from? Is your path aligned with the purpose you believe you are meant to fulfill?

Final thoughts

As my final words for this update, I will say, use the cosmic energies of this month to really get deep into your goals and the vision you hold for the future. What lights you up inside? If you could dream freely, what would you wish to manifest? What makes you feel like you have an important purpose, something that you can share to provide meaning for others as well?

Take a look at your beliefs and let go off anything that is not in harmony with your inner truth this month. This can also be a wonderful time for expanding our horizons, whether that be through visiting new places, picking up a new skill or studying something interesting. Seek that which inspires you in December!

I wish you an inspired month of December and a blessed ending of this year!

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Food for thought…
"We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together."— Terence McKenna
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