New Moon in Anuradha

New Moon in Anuradha 7° Scorpio ♏︎

Wednesday November 23, 23:55 CET, 7° Scorpio

This New Moon will be the first after the previous lunar cycles of eclipses that we’ve experienced, taking place in Anuradha in Scorpio. Just barely out of reach of Ketu’s shadow, this New Moon marks the entrance of a new phase and, perhaps, a sense of relief after an intense couple of weeks.

Anuradha ‘the star of success’

Anuradha, subsequent sucess, is a nakshatra of emotional courage in feisty Scorpio, bringing a new sense of direction and purpose to this New Moon. There is also a sense of developing emotional maturity with this nakshatra, which comes through the endurance of life’s trials and tribulations. This is also aided by the fact that the planetary ruler of this nakshatra is Saturn, within Scorpio, a sign ruled by Mars, providing perseverance and strength to be able to overcome obstacles. Anuradha is also called ‘the star of success’ showing the ability of bearing hardships and getting though them triumphant.

The symbol for this nakshatra is the lotus flower, showing the ability to persevere and blossom, even in the harshest conditions. The deity that resides here is Mitra the god of friendship, who provides compassion and selflessness, promoting the evolution of fear into trust and devotion.

Just a mere five minutes after the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon, Jupiter will station direct in the sign of Pisces, while also casting its special aspect on the New Moon in Scorpio, showing that this New Moon can bring a new sense of hope and purpose, of envisioning the future that we are working towards and of new aspirations starting to blossom.

New Moon in Anuradha

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The New Moon will also be aspected by retrograde Mars in Taurus and will be coinciding with the planetary war happening between Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, which can make us more short-tempered than usual, or add a dramatic flare to our communications and heightening our emotional sensitivity, so keep this in mind and try to avoid engaging in arguments or emotional dramas during this New Moon.

The past eclipses might have surfaced deep rooted patterns or beliefs about ourselves and our individuality, and of how we navigate these aspects in our relationships, whereas this New Moon can lead us into a phase of healing and beginning the process of integrating and healing whatever emotions that may have surfaced.

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Some questions for reflection this New Moon:

❧ Did the eclipses surface any emotions or patterns that I need to focus on?

❧ Do I carry emotions or beliefs about myself that need integration or transformation?

❧ What makes me feel hopeful and inspired? What do I look forward to creating/accomplishing/experiencing in the future?

Spread light with your thoughts, words and actions. You are here to create light. ~Unknown

New Moon blessings!

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Food for thought…
"Mindfulness is the miracle that calls back in a flash our dispersed mind and restores it to wholeness so that we can live each moment of life."— Thich Nhat Hanh
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