New Moon in Ardra nakshatra 13° Gemini

New Moon in Ardra nakshatra, 13° Gemini ♊︎

Wednesday June 29th 04:50 CET

Ardra, ‘the star of oppression’

This New Moon will be in the fierce nakshatra Ardra, the moist, symbolised by a tear drop.

Ardra, called ‘the star of oppression’, is a powerful nakshatra that resides entirely within the sign of Gemini, that provides a powerful mind and strong opinions, and in this manner there can be a strong desire to be right and to win with this nakshatra.

Ardra can also bring an element of struggle into whatever pursuit is initiated under the influence of this asterism, yet because of its inherit power, there is also an element of ‘not giving up’ and the willpower to go after what you want with this nakshatra.

The planetary ruler is Rahu, providing a mixture of Rahu energy with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, adding to the intellectual nature of this nakshatra. During the New Moon here, this can ignite a real creative spark, of seeking expansion and wanting to create new things.

New Moon in Ardra nakshatra 13° Gemini

The deity that resides in Ardra is Rudra, the storm god, adding to the fierce and stormy nature that can be found here, so you could expect emotions to be stirred during the days around the New Moon.

At the time of the New Moon, Mars will have moved into its own sign of Aries, all the while Venus will be at home in Taurus, adding to the fact that the giants Saturn and Jupiter are also transiting their own signs currently as well, this can provide a sense of stability, or security, because the planets are in their natural element and performs well within those energies. I will get more into this in next month’s newsletter, so sign up if you haven’t and stay tuned!

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:

❧ Am I using my power of determination with intelligence or stubbornness?

❧ Am I able to let things go, or do I force my will even when I shouldn’t?

❧ What’s the level of drama in my life? Do I get a kick from stirring up emotions?

My internal level of peace is reflected in the world outside me, just as the world outside mirrors my internal level of peace 🪞

Many blessings! ✨

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Food for thought…
"Tell me the story..
About how the sun loved the moon so much..
That she died every night..
Just to let him breathe..."
— Hanako Ishii
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