new moon in ashlesha august 2023

New Moon in Ashlesha August 2023

New Moon in Ashlesha
Wednesday August 16th, 11:38 CET, 29° Cancer
Only 6 degrees from retrograde Venus

«Intense New Moon of emotional turbulence»

This New Moon will be in unpredictable and calculating Ashlesha, ‘the clinging star’. Now can be a time of sudden insights, piercing realizations about where we are out of alignment and unexpected changes in our desires.

Ashlesha means ‘coiled’ or ‘entwining’ and is symbolized by a coiled snake, representing the flow of kundalini energy, that arises at the base of the spine and culminates in the third eye chakra in the signs of Sun and Moon; Cancer and Leo. The presiding deity here is Naga, the serpents of the deep, who stands for occult wisdom, power and the uncovering of mysteries. Ashlesha possesses a sharp, hypnotizing energy, that can heighten the possibility of deception and heightening our sensitivity, which can make for great intuitive powers. This sharp nakshatra and its powerful serpent rulers demands respect, just as the kundalini energy should not be taken lightly or treated without caution.

The planetary ruler for this nakshatra is analytical Mercury, within Cancer, ruled by the Moon, which can provide mental prowess and great intellectual abilities, showing the focus on contemplation and astute observation skills that arises here. There can also be a restless energy to be found here, that when left to its own devices, can turn (self-)destructive or volatile. This is a nakshatra where over-thinking can quickly turn into negative thought loops.

The New Moon will be within close proximity (only 6° apart) from retrograde Venus, pulling our emotional focus even more toward our close relationships and our level of happiness within those. If we have been feeling unappreciated or disrespected, these notions can increase further, or begin to fester and stew if left unattended to. This is a good time for listening inward and taking note of where our intuition is calling us. Be mindful also of getting caught up in “dramatic” thought patterns, or self-seeking motives.

Some questions to reflect upon this New Moon:

❧ Is there something I’m resisting? In what situation am I resisting change, or holding on to something that needs releasing?

❧ Am I experiencing a change in my desires?

❧ In what situation do I struggle to let go of control? Do my emotional ties to the desired outcome can make me rigid or inflexible?

❧ How am I maintaining my emotional peace at this time? Am I listening to my intuition?

New Moon blessings!

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Read more about August’s transits here!

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Food for thought…
"Yesterday I was clever and wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, and so I am changing myself."— Rumi
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